The Maneki Neko, or Lucky Cat, is a traditional Japanese figurine known to bring good luck, prosperity, and success. This Black Maneki Neko version is particularly symbolic, believed to ward off negative energy and protect its owner from harm while inviting good fortune.
Product Features:
- Symbol of Protection and Good Luck: The black Maneki Neko is said to provide protection from evil spirits, safeguard its owner from misfortune, and attract prosperity and wealth.
- Black Color: The black color is associated with protection, overcoming challenges, and driving away negativity. It is also believed to bring good luck in matters related to love and health.
- Handcrafted Design: Each figurine is meticulously crafted, ensuring high quality and detailed workmanship.
- Cultural Significance: The Maneki Neko is a well-known figure in Japanese culture, widely regarded as a symbol of good fortune. This black version offers additional protection, making it a meaningful gift for loved ones or as a lucky charm for your home or office.
- Perfect Gift: Ideal for any occasion, whether as a housewarming gift, a token of good luck, or a charm for business success.
- For Business and Personal Use: Many people place this cat in shops, restaurants, or offices to attract customers, increase sales, and bring financial prosperity.
Bring positive energy, protection, and luck into your life with the Black Maneki Neko, an emblem of good fortune and a timeless cultural symbol.
Maneki Neko Black
C$19.99 Regular Price
C$15.99Sale Price